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Introducing our latest project: the Daily Spanish Newsletter! 📧

Starting soon, you’ll receive a daily email packed with useful Spanish content. Each email will contain explanations of everyday topics or any other subject the instructor deems relevant. The top five most important words in each email will be highlighted, making it easier for you to focus your studies and expand your vocabulary.

With our Daily Spanish Newsletter, learning Spanish becomes a seamless part of your daily routine, ensuring consistent progress and retention. Whether you’re a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an advanced learner striving for fluency, our carefully curated emails will provide valuable insights and language practice.

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As part of our Daily Spanish Newsletter service, the top five most important words from each email will be automatically stored in your personalized student database, allowing you to review and reinforce your learning at your own pace.
But wait, there’s more! We’re excited to offer this database service as a complimentary feature to all our students, ensuring that your learning journey is as seamless and effective as possible. However, for those looking for even greater convenience and flexibility, you can opt for our premium subscription for just £10 per month. With the premium subscription, you’ll enjoy additional perks and features designed to enhance your language learning experience.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your Spanish skills to new heights while enjoying the convenience of personalized vocabulary tracking. Sign up today and start your journey towards language mastery!

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Juan Fernández
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